Tips for Improving Energy Saving Dead Lamp

Tips for Improving Energy Saving Dead Lamp

I note this guide and I addressed comrade For me that afternoon to ask where the kinds of tips improve energy saving lamps which have died, apparently of this topic is very interesting for me note and on this occasion I post regarding these aspects, in fact so easy once we fix energy saving lamp if only edit electronic components alone but if components OT or the balance has been broken so that it can have For finding again, well here is not a problem that I discuss on the OT but the other components such as transistors, diodes and resistors, 3rd this component is was not uncommon times and consequently dropping dead fluorescent lamp, is capable of breaking the 3rd component is caused due to extremely hot temperatures or that there is even running a surge against the lamp circuit.
Tips for Improving Energy Saving Dead Lamp

How to Quickly Improve Energy Saving Lamps Dead

Trick Improving Energy Saving Lamp Has die:

    Equipment that must be prepared to improve your buddy energy saving lamp is
  1.     Min screwdriver or can also use tespen, who later For access closed between NE and fill in the enclosed reply components.
  2.     Avo M or M Multi media which one serves for checking the state of the components of the electrical circuit, be it for check resistors, transistors and diodes, for use pal can read on page know avometer
  3.     Solder and tin, 2nd tool serves for taping and removing components of the MCB to the circuit. make it please provide this facility for repair energy saving lamps.
  4.     provide any secon light, this second lamp is useful for components taken if a really light that we need to fix these components.
After we prepare a means entirely above step after that is to improve the energy-saving lamp, to measure this factor primeval times are accessing or prying series of lights and TL. try not inherently destructive TL, be a little patient must pal For this factor. Open after witnessing the component is fixed properly or there are damaged (burned). mean that vulnerable burned the resistors, diodes and transistors For the condenser itself is extremely rare For breaking, now to move after that my friend should be able to check For this situation together with a check.

The following steps should be my friend who took:
  1.  If my friend who witnessed the burning step diode components that fit together melepat is the diode, so the exchange with the same diode of the second light. if there is a second buddy ga able to use another diode with witnessing the size of the body diode of the diode.
  2. If the resistors are damaged to say that a matching resistor burning step is removing the resistor with harness with solder, scan along the new resistor or resistors of secon lights, which should see the comrade is the resistor value because each resistor has no value to me, make it note the color of the resistor and the exchange with the same color, if m pal pal utilizing avo together lightly know the resistor value or you could use android application for this element, please go to page trick to know the value of the resistor along android application
  3. The last one is the exchange of transistors that it was replacing the component has been my friend but kept the lights will not flash. Let careful to do that the state of the transistor, for conscientious state transistor transistor buddy must be separated from the MCB, if really transistor has short so that the transistor must pal scan, if still confused thorough transistor utilizing buddy avometer able thorough Tricks page load transistor circumstances.

That's the trick and that suitable steps to correct the energy saving lamps which have died, do not forget if it was all components have been edited and consistent friend was able to turn big could have been dead OT to components, to the scan along the OT from the second light, and when it really does not also mean that broke the TL, and the results when the TL is the one has no function can be concluded if the lights have died overall.